Domain Name Scams

Domain Name Scams

Check Back Often For Latest Scams!

Once or twice a month, we receive a domain name related call from clients completely confused and frustrated about their website not working. As we describe in our Domain Name Services page, the most important, yet overlooked aspect of a website is your domain name (for example Domain names are the entry way to your website and the "door" used to access your content.

"Forget your $5000 website or your $300/year hosting costs. Failing to manage a $20 domain name can take down your entire online presence!"

One vulnerable aspect of a domain name is the fact that registration details (referred to as "WHOIS data") such as your domain's expiry date, contact information including phone number, email and physical address are publicly displayed across the internet. This vulnerability is often exploited by hackers who hope to scam you or "phish" your domain name away from you. The following blog is constantly updated to show the latest and most popular domain name scams used to hold your domain name for ransom, completely block you out of your website or falsely force you to renew at exorbitantly high prices at long term contracts. Check back often to ensure you don't fall prey to these scams

When in doubt, do not respond to the email or click on any links. Contact your domain registrar directly or contact us with any questions: 705-721-9670 or

Email Login Scam

"Mailbox Full" Email Login Theft Scam

These "Mailbox Full" or "Reset Password" and "Cpanel Login Reset" emails are scams and look exactly like the real deal! This is how websites and social media accounts are hacked, held for ranson or abused. When in doubt, always open a new browser and login as you normally would. Not by clicking on any email links

Domain Registry Domain Scam

iDNS Is Now "Domain Registry" (Scam)

Formerly known as iDNS, the company has rebranded and offering the same overpriced, misleading domain renewal form. Throw away!

SEO Domain Registry Domain Scam

SEO Domain Registry Domain Scam

Automated email sent months ahead of actual renewal date in an attempt to steal the domain away from existing domain registrar and renew at overpriced cost. There are many automated scams like this hoping domain owners aren't familiar with their domain registrar company. Upon visiting their website, refund policy page is non-functional.

iDNS Canada Domain Scam

iDNS Domain Renewal Mailout

iDNS Canada takes the domain theft scam a step further by physically mailing you a domain renewal notification with threatening language to renew immediately to avoid loss of the domain. The letters are sent months in advance hoping to be received ahead of their existing domain registrar's notification. Searching online for iDNS Canada results in thousands of pages relating to this scam yet we still receive these letters on a weekly basis!

GoDaddy Domain Phishing Scam

GoDaddy Domain Name Phishing

Although some domain name scams are legitimate and will actually renew your domain (at an overpriced cost) many domain scams hope to steal your domain registrar login in hopes of stealing the domain away from you or locking you out of your account for a ransom. One of the drawbacks of working with a popular domain registrar like GoDaddy, BlueHost and HostMonster is that they are often targetted. In this scam, the email looks exactly like an email GoDaddy would send and even takes you to a login page that looks like your login in to GoDaddy but it simply grabs (or phishes) your login detail for the hacker to then take action.

Cpanel Domain Name Phishing Scam

Cpanel Domain Name Phishing Scam

Cpanel is a popular hosting management platform given to users who sign up for discount hosting services such as GoDaddy, HostPapa, BlueHost and HostMonster. These scam emails are sent in hopes of users clicking on the link which takes them to a page that looks exactly the same as their actual login page. Once the user enters the username/password, the details are sent directly to the hacker who can then lock out, spy or steal information such as database details, website files etc.

Posted by Carlos Vilchez
Carlos Vilchez - Barrie Website Designer
Carlos Vilchez is a web consultant for - Online Media & Internet Solutions - A web design, development and host service provider in Barrie, Ontario. He's been tinkering with html and coding websites ever since the days of 14.4k dial-up, paying $2.25/minute for an internet connection. For nearly 2 decades, has been providing small to medium sized businesses in Barrie and the surrounding areas with affordable web design, hosting solutions and a wide assortment of web-related services.